Sonic Reality Sonik Capsules Groove Multiformat 音色取樣光碟正式版
Sonic Reality Sonik Capsules Groove Multiformat 音色取樣光碟正式版
超過500段新的鼓聲,可以用於各種流行的音樂形式。Groove Capsule可以拿來就用,
- AU
- DX
- Battery
- EXS24
- HALion
- Kontakt
- Reason NNXT
- SampleTank
with over 500 new drum loops covering every popular music genre
including: Rock, Alternative, Jazz, Funk, Swing, Country, Latin,
Avante-Garde, Breakbeat, House, Jungle, effects and more.
Outstanding Flexiblity
The Groove Capsule is designed to be immediately usable and wonderfully
flexible. Need just a single hit or short segement? It's in there.We've
also included the beat-sliced versions and associated MIDI files for
every loop. We've essentially done all the grunt work for you.
Organized the right way
Each of the loops in the Groove Capsule is intelligently and intuitively
named and all are neatly organized by BPM,allowing you to quickly target
specific grooves.
Get your groove on
The groove capsule is the perfect well-rounded loop collection for loop
afficinados, but is also an excellent tool for you drumming purists. A
great industry secret: drop a simple loop, perhaps offset by a 8th or
16th note very quietly behind an existing beat and behold the added
SampleTank?and UFO included!
For those of you who don't already own a copy of Sampletank, Sonic
Reality is now including version 2 of Sampletank LE with every purchase
of this product. Just open your favorite host application, load up the
Sampletank LE instrument plugin, use it to locate your favorite sounds
and get to playing and recording this amazing library.
The UFO (Universal Format Outputter) makes it simple to install the
samples and program/patch data for this library natively in your
favorite sofware sampler format. Say goodbye to the hassles and head-
scratching typically associated with translating from one format to the
Just bring up the UFO, select your library, and choose a destination
format. The UFO guides you through a completley painless installation.
Additional format support is added as it becomes available to give you
the flexibility of using Sonic Reality sound libraries in whichever
format you use best.
Operating System (optional included plugin):
- Windows 2000/XP
- Mac OSX
Plugin Format (optional included plugin):
- AU
- DX
Sample Format:
sounds may be used in all samplers supporting the following formats
- Battery
- EXS24
- HALion
- Kontakt
- Reason NNXT
- SampleTank